Linkki's Annual Meeting and Sitowise excursion will be held on Monday, March 11th. **Please note, these events are held in Finnish.**
Tervetuloa Linkin vuosikokoukseen 11.3.2024 klo 18:30. Virallinen kokouskutsu toimitetaan kaikille varsinaisille jäsenille sähköpostitse. Vuosikokous järjestetään kerhon sääntöjen mukaisesti ja kokouksessa käsitellään seuraavat asiat:
Before the annual meeting, we will have a chance to attend an excursion organized by Sitowise from 17:00 to 18:30. Some food and refreshments will be provided.
The purpose of the registration is for ordering the correct amount of food. You can attend the annual meeting without registering. Please also let us know if you will be attending both the excursion and the meeting or only one of the two. The registration closes on Monday, March 4th at 12:00.
What: Annual meeting and Sitowise excursion
When: 17:00 Sitowise excursion; 18:30 Annual meeting
Where: Sitowise office, Linnoitustie 6 D, 02600 Espoo
Why: because it's conveniently close to the light rail stop